How to generate reference number for Landbank online banking

Creation date: 4/7/2021 10:43 AM    Updated: 4/7/2021 10:43 AM    0 landbank online payment payment reference number
1. Launch the Technological Institute of the Philippines (T.I.P.) ARIS Student Portal

QC: .ph/portal/student/ne w/public/login.php 
MLA: .ph/portal/student/ne w/public/login.php 

2. Fill out the Student Number, User ID, and Password and click Login button

3. Click the Online/Offsite Payment button in the ARIS Home Page

4. Click the Landbank Payment Instruction button, to view the Landbank payment instruction.

The system will display the Landbank Payment Instruction, which includes the Reference Number and the URL of the Landbank online payment. 
